Christina-Brandywine River Remediation Restoration Resilience

Timeline: 22 Mar 2023

The Christina-Brandywine River Remediation Restoration Resilience (CBR4) project is a cooperative initiative to address legacy toxic contamination, restore the native ecology and prepare for the changing climate as well as other threats to river health in the lower Christina River and tidal Brandywine River.

Partners for the CBR4 project include American Rivers, BrightFields, Inc., Christina Conservancy, Delaware Nature Society (DNS), Anchor QEA, DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy, DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances, DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship, Delaware Department of Transportation, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE), and Sarver Ecological.

Sarver Ecological has compiled a biodiversity summary of all species known to occur in the CBR4 project area and created a dedicated CBR4 iNaturalist project to continue biodiversity monitoring efforts via community observers. We have also facilitated two Bioblitz events to gather more biodiversity records from Diamond State Salvage and Dupont Environmental Education Center (DEEC).

Additionally, Sarver Ecological has worked with New Castle County government to plan habitat improvements to Banning Regional Park, which would include forest creation, invasive plant species removal, and water quality improvements, in alignment with CBR4 goals. This work is an exciting step forward for improving the Christina River watershed for both wildlife and people!

Project Images