Ecological Consulting Services


Sarver Ecological LLC offers a wide variety of services for your ecological needs. We specialize in wildlife monitoring, invasive plants control, native pollinators, native plant design, and holistic ecological assessment and management.

Ecological Surveys & Assessments

Have Sarver Ecological LLC experts do a Natural Resource Inventory or Ecological Assessment on your property.

Delaware Marshes
Land Design & Planning

Sarver Ecological will guide you through the steps necessary to develop an effective land management plan.

Field Technicians
Habitat Monitoring & Management

Let us manage your open spaces, conservation easements, forests, and other properties for the highest biodiversity.

Field Technicians
Communication & Outreach

We have extensive experience in creating quality outreach materials including factsheets, identification guides and more.

Agastache & Clouded Sulpher By Hank Davis
Pollinator Research and Habitat Evaluation

Ready to Get Started?

Interested in having Sarver Ecological help with your project? Contact us today to talk about how our services can be applied to your property. Don’t see the service you are looking for? We’d be happy to customize our services to fit your needs.